Opiate Rehab

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Opiate Addiction Symptoms

Not sure what an opiate addict looks like? Do you think that if you passed an opiate addict on the street you would be able to recognize them as an addict? While the symptoms of addiction may have some clues that are easily visible to the average person, many of these addiction symptoms are not so easy to spot unless you are actually friends with the addict or you are suffering from the addiction yourself. Opiate addiction symptoms range from mild to severe and may or may not be easily noticed by others.

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Treatment Options

Tolerance, the First Symptom of Opiate Addiction

The very first sign or symptom of opiate addiction is tolerance. This is the effect of having to take more of a drug to produce the same affects that the drug once produced. Tolerance to opiates typically develops rather quickly and can build over time which means that an addict may find themselves taking a very large dose of opiates compared to what was first needed in order to get a similar high or to have the same level of pain reduction as they once did from the drug.

Withdrawal When Not Taking Opiates

Another symptom of opiate addiction that those who use opiates should pay close attention to is the withdrawal symptoms that occur when they don’t use opiates. Over time, and with prolonged use of opiates, the symptoms of withdrawal will become more uncomfortable and difficult to deal with so it’s important to catch this dangerous addiction early on to prevent any undue physical or psychological distress to the addict. Opiate withdrawal symptoms may include tremors, sweats, flu-like symptoms and muscle aches that persist for up to 10 days at a time after opiates are no longer taken.

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Lack of Control Over Opiate Use

Not a sure sign of addiction but a definite symptom to be aware of as it could pose an increased danger to the opiate abuser, having a lack of control of one’s opiate use is a problem. For some, this is a clue to the addiction that is setting in. If you repeatedly use more and more opiates that you plan to use, more than are prescribed or more than you have available and find yourself constantly in search of more than there’s a good chance that addiction is a problem for you.

Activity Changes to Accommodate Drug Use

Finally, addiction often causes the addict to change their plans and take part in particular activities that are based around their drug use. If you find that you or someone you know who is taking an opiate, makes activity changes or changes plans in an effort to be able to use drugs or to stay away from people who may be affected by the drug use, there’s likely a problem with addiction. Addiction will often interfere with social plans and activities, occupational activities and school activities.

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1 (888) 460-6556